Contact Us
The West Classifieds Call Centre
Email bookings: advert@thewest.com.au
Phone: 13 22 80
Interstate: (08) 9482 2300
International: +61 8 9482 2300
Fax: (08) 9482 9040
The Sunday Times Classifieds Call Centre
Email bookings: readersmart@sundaytimes.com.au
Phone: 13 22 80
Interstate: (08) 9482 2300
International: +61 8 9482 2300
Fax: (08) 9482 9040
Classifieds Technical Support
Phone: (08) 9482 9191
Email: support@thewestclassifieds.com.au
General Display Advertising
Business Hours
Weekdays 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 12:15pm – 4:15pm
(Perth Standard Time, GMT +0800)
Not all classifications are available online. For these unavailable classifications, you will need to call or email our Call Centre using the details above. The West Australian reserves the right to not publish any ad or notice that it deems as unfit or inappropriate.
Online Deadline Information
Deadlines for ads placed online are 15 minutes earlier than advertised deadlines for our Call Centre.